We’ve covered Fourier Transform in [1] and [2] while we use only examples of 1D. In this post we are going to see what 2D Fourier Transform looks like.
First, we look at a 2D image with one direction sinusoid waves (left) and its Fourier Transform (right).
I added coordinates to help you understand the illustration. Let’s assume the -axis in the image corresponds to
-axis in frequency domain;
-axis in the image corresponds to
-axis in the frequency domain. Because there is never fluctuation along the
-axis, there should only be
frequency. However, along the
-axis there is regular sinusoid change, therefore there should be
frequency. As a combination, we see two dots (two dirac delta functions) on the line
To reinforce our understanding, let’s look at three more pictures. The first two have vertical bars with different spatial frequencies. As you might guess, the first picture with sparser bars have a smaller frequency than the second picture. Their frequencies are only on the line because there is no signal variation on the
The third picture is generated by (https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=+plot+sin%28x%2By%29). And it has regular variations of waves along both the
-axis. Thus, we see the two white dots in the frequency domains are on a diagonal.
Next, we examine a real-world photo, a famous picture titled “cameraman”. We mark one leg of the tripod in th image and its corresponding frequency band. This leg is almost perpendicular to the -axis. Therefore, it introduces high-frequency variation (sharp edges) along the direction of
-axis. Meanwhile it introduces less variation on the direction of
-axis. On the frequency domain, you can see the corresponding line has a slope more towards the
-axis than the
At last, let’s revisit how images are constituted. In essence, images are formed by 2D waves, just like 1D functions are formed by 1D waves:
[1] https://czxttkl.com/2018/10/07/eulers-formula/
[2] https://czxttkl.com/2020/04/27/revisit-gaussian-kernel/
Image examples come from:
[3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYGltoYEmKo
[4] https://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/rbf/HIPR2/fourier.htm
[5] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwaYwRwY6PU
A website that is helpful in visualizing 2d function: