My understanding in 401K

Here is my reasoning about 401K. First, I’ll start with two definitions: (1) taxable income, meaning the gross income you receive on which your tax will be calculate; (2) tax deduction, meaning any deduction from your taxable income. Tax deduction lowers your taxable income thus lowers your tax in general. 401K has three categories: Pre-tax: contribute …


In this post, I am sharing my understanding regarding Deterministic Policy Gradient Algorithm (DPG) [1] and its deep-learning version (DDPG) [2]. We have introduced policy gradient theorem in [3, 4]. Here, we briefly recap. The objective function of policy gradient methods is: $latex J(\theta)=\sum\limits_{s \in S} d^\pi(s) V^\pi(s)=\sum\limits_{s \in S} d^\pi(s) \sum\limits_{a \in A} \pi(a|s) Q^\pi(s,a), &s=2$ where …


Sequential decision problems can usually be formatted as Markov Decision Problems (MDPs), where you define states, actions, rewards and transitions. In some practical problems, states can just be described by action histories. For example, we’d like to decide notification delivery sequences for a group of similar users to maximize their accumulated clicks. We define two …

DQN + Double Q-Learning + OpenAI Gym

Here I am providing a script to quickly experiment with the openai gym environment: The script has the features of both Deep Q-Learning and Double Q-Learning.   I ran my script to benchmark one open ai environment LunarLander-v2. The most stable version of the algorithm has following hyperparameters: no double q-learning (just use one q-network), gamma=0.99, batch size=64, learning …