Dollar cost average on TQQQ vs QQQ [Real Data]

(Please cross reference to my previous post for simulation-based results: In this post, we use real data (from 2021 april to 2024 jan) to show that even after a bear market (in 2022), DCA on TQQQ is still more profitable than QQQ. UPRO is also more profitable than SPY but the margin is not that …

Dollar cost average on TQQQ vs QQQ [Simulation]

This post runs a simple simulation on using the Dollar-Cost-Average strategy to invest in QQQ vs. TQQQ, its 3x-leveraged ETF. In the simulation, QQQ will plunge 34% after 20 rounds. One round is a small up-and-down cycle – the index first moves up 1% then 3% down, until 34% down from the top. After reaching …