Revisit Support Vector Machine

This post reviews the key knowledgement about support vector machine (SVM). The post is pretty much based on a series of the lectures [1]. Suppose we have data , where each point is a -dimensional data point associated with label . The very initial SVM is to come up with a plane such that data …

Revisit Traveling Salesman Problem

Travelling salesman problem (TSP) goes as follows [1]: Given a list of cities and the distances between each pair of cities, what is the shortest possible route that visits each city and returns to the origin city? This problem statement is actually a TSP-OPT problem., where”OPT” stands for optimization. This is not a decision problem …

shadowsocks + SwitchyOmega

We’ve introduced one way to proxy internet: Now we introduce another way to create proxy, which uses shadowsocks + SwitchyOmega (a chrome extension). Ubuntu: in a terminal:  sudo apt-get install shadowsocks-qt5 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hzwhuang/ss-qt5 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install shadowsocks-qt5 open the installed shadowsocks and config a new connection:  install chrome extension SwitchyOmega: config …

Reinforcement Learning in Web Products

Reinforcement learning (RL) is an area of machine learning concerned with optimizing a notion of cumulative rewards. Although it has been applied in video game AI, robotics and control optimization for years, we have seen less of its presence in web products. In this post, I am going to introduce some works that apply RL in …