Deep Learning-based Sorting

Here, I am talking about a few techniques of using deep neural networks to accomplish sorting/ranking tasks. Reinforcement Learning – policy gradient paradigm Using policy gradient to solve combinatorial optimization problems such as Traveling Salesman Problems is not new. Ranking K out of N candidates is also a combinatorial optimization problem thus can be solved …

GAN (Generative Adversarial Network)

Here, I am taking some notes down while following the GAN online course ( The first thing I want to point out is that one should be very careful about the computation graph during the training of GANs. To maximize efficiency in one iteration, we can call the generator only once, using the generator output …

Projected Gradient Descent

I am reading “Determinantal point processes for machine learning”, in which it uses projected gradient descent in Eqn. 212. More broadly, such problems have this general form: where we want to map from to on the simplex. Since we often encounter problems of the sum-to-1 constraint, I think it is worth listing the solution in …

Many ways towards recommendation diversity

Diversity of recommendations keeps users engaged and prevents boredom [1]. In this post, I will introduce several machine learning-based methods to achieve diverse recommendations. The literature in this post is mostly retrieved from the overview paper “Recent Advances in Diversified Recommendation” [6].  Determinant Point Process Let’s first review what is the determinant of a matrix …

Someone just saved this website: WordPress backup and Crayon Syntax Highlighter

It turned out that my old syntax highlighter “Crayon Syntax Highlighter” does not work with new PhP version (7.4+) and the plugin is no longer maintained officially. Luckily, someone updates it and provide a zip file: I also back up the updated plugin on my dropbox: BTW, I also back up the whole …

Correct font for subroutines in Latex

Today I learned that Latex supports many different typefaces: and I’ve seen papers like this one ( uses a different font for subroutines (like function names or APIs). One example is from their reference to the “CrossEntropyLoss” function: Now, I try by myself different typefaces and see which one it uses: I think …