Minimal examples of HuggingFace LLM training

I’m sharing a minimal example of training an LLM model using HuggingFace’s libraries trl/transformers/evaluate/datasets/etc. The example is mainly borrowed from–Vmlldzo1OTEyNjMy and its github repo Here is the full file: Now let’s examine the code in more details: First, we initialize a weights & bias project (wandb.init(…)), which is used for logging intermediate training/evaluation …

Terms you need to know when working for Ads

There are several terms often used in the Ads ML domain. Let’s dive into them. total bid = ecpm bid + quality bid ecpm bid = paced bid * ecvr ecvr is “expected conversion rate”. Different ads can have different definitions of conversion [8] – e.g., link click, app install, or offsite conversion. ecvr = …

Data Parallelism and Model Parallelism

In this post, we review the concept of data parallelism, model parallelism, and more in between. We will illustrate ideas using SOTA ML system designs. Data Parallelism Data parallelism means that there are multiple training workers fed with different parts of the full data, while the model parameters are hosted in a central place. There …

Someone just saved this website: WordPress backup and Crayon Syntax Highlighter

It turned out that my old syntax highlighter “Crayon Syntax Highlighter” does not work with new PhP version (7.4+) and the plugin is no longer maintained officially. Luckily, someone updates it and provide a zip file: I also back up the updated plugin on my dropbox: BTW, I also back up the whole …

Cross entropy with logits

I keep forgetting the exact formulation of `binary_cross_entropy_with_logits` in pytorch. So write this down for future reference. The function binary_cross_entropy_with_logits takes as two kinds of inputs: (1) the value right before the probability transformation (softmax) layer, whose range is (-infinity, +infinity); (2) the target, whose values are binary binary_cross_entropy_with_logits calculates the following loss (i.e., negative …

mujoco only works with gcc8

pip install mujoco-py would only build with gcc8. On Mac, use ll /usr/local/Cellar/gcc* to find all gcc versions you have installed. Uninstall them and only install gcc@8. Another time I saw the following error when using pip install mujoco-py: This error is suspected to be due to a corrupted gcc@8. I solved this by using …

Download and process Chinese songs from Youtube

This posts introduces the way to download Chinese songs from a playlist on youtube and process titles of songs. I use youtube-dl to download all songs from a playlist (replace the youtube link with your own, make sure the playlist is public): youtube-dl -i –yes-playlist -x –audio-format mp3 -o “%(title)s.%(ext)s” –audio-quality 0 “” Update 2024-1-26: …

Install Google Pinyin on Ubuntu

Just want to document the procedure to install Google Pinyin on Ubuntu (tested on 16.04): Command line: sudo apt-get install fcitx-googlepinyin2. System settings -> Language support -> Keyboard input method system, change to fcitx.3. Log out log in4. At top right, click the penguin icon -> Text entry setting5. Click +6. Search ‘Google’, find ‘Google …