
Just a post for reviewing QuickSort. Every time you prepare interviews, you will need to review this classic sorting algorithm.


class QuickSort():

    def sort(self, arr):
        self.sort_helper(arr, 0, len(arr) - 1)
        return arr

    def sort_helper(self, arr, left, right):
        if left >= right + 1:

        pivot = left

        for i in xrange(left, right):
            if arr[i] < arr[right]:
                arr[i], arr[pivot] = arr[pivot], arr[i]
                pivot += 1

        arr[right], arr[pivot] = arr[pivot], arr[right]

        self.sort_helper(arr, left, pivot - 1)
        self.sort_helper(arr, pivot + 1, right)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print QuickSort().sort([4, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5])



Use a pointer pivot to act as a delimiter: elements before pivot are smaller than pivot and those after pivot are larger than pivot. It is essentially a divide-and-conquer idea. Imagine pivot will be finally set to arr[right], i.e., elements smaller than arr[right] and larger than arr[right] are going to be separated. To do so, we initialize pivot to be arr[left] (line 12). You can think of current pivot as the first element larger than arr[right] during the loop in line 14~17. At line 19, you set the pivot as arr[right].

Note that QuickSort can happen in place. In worst case, you repeatedly get skewed partitions before and after `pivot`. Therefore you can get as many as $latex n$ (the original array size) recursive calls of `sort_helper`.  So the time complexity of QuickSort is $latex O(n^2)$ in the worst case but on average it should be $latex O(nlogn)$. 

The space complexity in the worst case is $latex O(n)$ as you can have as many as $latex n$ recursive calls, each taking up one stack frame. There is some trick to make the space complexity $latex O(logn)$ even under the worst case. To do so, you only recur sort_helper on the smaller partition and sort the other (larger) partition in an iterative way:

class QuickSort():

    def sort(self, arr):
        self.sort_helper(arr, 0, len(arr) - 1)
        return arr

    def sort_helper(self, arr, left, right):
        while left < right:
            pivot = left

            for i in xrange(left, right):
                if arr[i] < arr[right]:
                    arr[i], arr[pivot] = arr[pivot], arr[i]
                    pivot += 1

            arr[right], arr[pivot] = arr[pivot], arr[right]

            if pivot - 1 - left + 1 < right - (pivot + 1) + 1:
                self.sort_helper(arr, left, pivot - 1)
                left = pivot + 1
                self.sort_helper(arr, pivot+1, right)
                right = pivot -1

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print QuickSort().sort([4, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1])





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