How to migrate WordPress from one host from another?

WordPress really SUCK! It doesn´t provide a viable, simple and easy solution for export/import of your whole site. Here I am sharing how I managed to migrate my WordPress site from an old host to a new one. make sure Apache2, PHP, MySQL, and PHP MySQL extension work in perfect on your new host. Here …

How to make contents wider in WordPress Theme?

It again proved how silly WordPress is: I can’t find any theme with wide content area. Why do we have to waste almost a third of page area in EVERY WordPress theme? I read many articles about how to make custom CSS to widen the content column but no magic happened. So I decided to modify …


背景 Git历史记录中,若不小心加入了较大的而无用的文件,很可能会让你的repository的size变得很大。Github和Bitbucket都分别对repository的大小做出了限制 (见 及;jsessionid=735235A3CE151FB6D4C518F3971FD524.node2?pageId=273877699)。那么如何在Git的历史记录中找出较大的文件并且删除它们呢?  

Everything about Git

注释:本文中,中括号内参数表示可选参数,尖括号内参数表示必选参数。SHA-1值可以是commit的SHA-1值,HEAD[~|^]或者branch名字,因为HEAD和branch名字的SHA-1值都被git所记录。 一般规则 从远端代码仓库中下载项目 git clone   在master分支的基础上新建自己的branch,并跳到该branch上: git checkout -b [origin/master]