Sparse AutoEncoder

Andrew Ng Tutorial: UFLDL Exercise: A Chinese blog: Stacked Denoising Autoencoder (paper):

Convolutional Neural Network Simple Tutorial

I am going to demonstrate a simple version of convolutional neural network, a type of deep learning structure in this post.  Motivation Knowing normal multi-layer neural network (probably the one with input layer, output layer and one hidden layer) is helpful before you proceed reading this post. A good tutorial of MLN can be found …

How does gradient vanish in Multi-Layer Neural Network?

Background This post reviews how we update weights using the back propagation approach in a neural network. The goal of the review is to illustrate a notorious phenomenon in training MLNN, called “gradient vanish”. Start Let’s suppose that we have a very simple NN structure, with only one unit in each hidden layer, input layer …

Logical deduction in NP-completeness proof

Maybe it sounds simple to computer scientists, I just want to backup some logical deduction of myself in NP-completeness proofs in case I will deal with such proofs in the future. In NP-completeness proof, we always want to find a polynomial-time reduction (transformation) from problem A to problem B, denoted as: We say that there …

Proof that BFS finds shortest distance

Intuitively, Breadth-First Search (BFS) can find shortest distances from a source $latex s&s=4$ to any other reachable vertex. However, proving this intuition needs a bit hard work. After some searches, I found that there are two ideas to prove it. The two ideas both use induction to prove it. Both ideas require a bit long proof. …

How is Logistic Regression designed?

背景 Logistic Regression是ML中再熟悉不过的Model了,它能基于数据X,得出生成binary label的概率: (在上式中,X仅有一个feature) 假设你出生在Logistic Regression被发明之前且在Normal Linear Regression被发明之后,现在让你设计一个Model来预测Binary的label——Y,使得这个Model能够基于观测数据X得出Y。你会怎么设计呢? (注:接下来我们都假设X仅有一个feature)