Contains Duplicate III
Given an array of integers, find out whether there are two distinct indices i and j in the array such that the difference between nums[i] and nums[j] is at most t and the difference between i and j is at most k.
import sys class Solution(object): def containsNearbyAlmostDuplicate(self, nums, k, t): """ :type nums: List[int] :type k: int :type t: int :rtype: bool """ if not nums or k <=0 or t<0: return False def tran_num(org_num): return org_num + sys.maxint def to_bucket(num_tran): return num_tran / (t+1) bucket_dict = {} for idx, num in enumerate(nums): num_tran = tran_num(num) bucket = to_bucket(num_tran) if bucket_dict.get(bucket) or \ bucket_dict.get(bucket+1, num_tran+t+1) - num_tran <=t or \ num_tran - bucket_dict.get(bucket-1, num_tran-t-1) <=t: return True if idx >=k: old_bucket = to_bucket(tran_num(nums[idx-k])) bucket_dict.pop(old_bucket) bucket_dict[bucket] = num_tran return False
Idea (
We want to check if a number differs at most t with any of previous k elements by checking if any two numbers fall into the same bucket we shall create.
To do so, we first need to add every number by `sys.maxint`. This is to make sure every number can be transformed into an non-negative number so that we don’t need to worry about how to make different bucketing rules for negative and positive numbers.
For one transformed number, `num_tran`, we assign it to bucket `num_tran/(t+1)`. If two numbers fall into the same bucket, they must be of at most t difference. However, two numbers can also differ at most t if they are from two adjacent buckets. That’s why we have three condition checkings at line 25-27.
always has at most K elements. We maintain that by always popping out idx-k
element. (line 30-32)
The time complexity is O(N) and the space complexity is O(K).
Idea II
You can also maintain a balanced binary search tree of size K. Then you can always get the closest value of nums[i] (current visiting number) in the binary search tree in O(logK). If the closest value is within t of nums[i]’s range, you can return True. Since you need to traverse all numbers in nums, and for each number you need to search in O(logK) time, the time complexity is O(NlogK) and the space complexity is O(K).