Minimal examples of HuggingFace LLM training

I’m sharing a minimal example of training an LLM model using HuggingFace’s libraries trl/transformers/evaluate/datasets/etc. The example is mainly borrowed from–Vmlldzo1OTEyNjMy and its github repo Here is the full file: Now let’s examine the code in more details: First, we initialize a weights & bias project (wandb.init(…)), which is used for logging intermediate training/evaluation …

Causal Inference 102

In my blog, I have covered several pieces of information about causal inference:  Causal Inference: we talked about (a) two-stage regression for estimating the causal effect between X and Y even when there is a confounder between them; (b) causal invariant prediction Tools needed to build an RL debugging tool: we talked about 3 main …