Leetcode 60: Permutation Sequence

Total Accepted: 40547 Total Submissions: 173795 Difficulty: Medium

The set [1,2,3,…,<i>n</i>] contains a total of n! unique permutations.

By listing and labeling all of the permutations in order,
We get the following sequence (ie, for n = 3):

  1. "123"
  2. "132"
  3. "213"
  4. "231"
  5. "312"
  6. "321"

Given n and k, return the kth permutation sequence.

Note: Given n will be between 1 and 9 inclusive.



class Solution(object):
    def getPermutation(self, n, k):
        :type n: int
        :type k: int
        :rtype: str
        res = ""
        arr = range(1, n+1)
        k = k-1
        for i in xrange(n-1, -1, -1):
            idx, k = divmod(k, math.factorial(i))
            res += str(arr.pop(idx))
        return res



Always try to determine which is the next character to append.

For example,

n=3, we have 6 permutations in total:


If k=3, we know we should return 213. We should first determine we need to append “2”. How to determine that? we know that there are (n-1)! permutations that start with “1”, “2” and “3” each. So the integer quotient of (k-1)/(n-1)! represents the index (0-based) of the number in the original array (1,2,3).  

You keep doing this iteratively to get the final result.

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